Video Email Readings

Personalized video email reading.

I now offer a different email card reading which is videoed and emailed to you instead of the typed PDF document version.

By choosing what area of life you would like the reading to be based on i.e Love, work or a general reading, or if you would like them to answer a question.  I shuffle the cards and ask six question that include your name repeatedly, this will allow the card to connect to your energy. The cards will answer when at least one card falls out, on occasions more than one can fall out.

The six questions are with your name included are as followed:

How are you or life around you at this time?

How are you emotionally?

How have things been in the recent past? This can be anything from yesterday, a week, month or even a year ago and it can also be a reflection of how things are with you.

what are your thoughts and ideas?

Please give an action, something that represents what you need to go.

How will things be in the coming weeks, months and or year?

Once payment has been made, please email info@nick-humphries to let me know what area of life you would like the cards to concentrate or what question you would like answered.

Price (GBP) £35

Original typed email reading (PDF file)

If you prefer the original method of an email reading which is a six card reading with full scan and description of cards used along with their meanings with any information I pick up psychically. The reading will be approximately 1300 words and sometime more and be with you within five working days. Please specify what you would like the reading on. (Please note that email readings can be delayed if I  am out of the country or on tour).

During the reading I uses two decks of cards with 5 cards from  an oracle deck, the first deck laid out in the form of a cross where each card position has a meaning along with the meaning of the card and one card from the second  power animal deck, which is the power card giving an overall message. In some cases more cards can or will be used depending on the information or whether extra cards fall from the deck during the shuffling process.

Card positions


Price(GBP): £35

Once payment has been made, you will receive an email of confirmation and another to let you know that work has begun on your reading.

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