Physical Trance Mediumship Reading

Physical Trance Mediumship Reading is the most powerful reading you will find as Nick allows a guide called Two Hawks to use his physical body where he changes Nicks facial features and voice into his own so you will be able to see the change for yourself. Two Hawks was a Chief and Elder here on the earth plain and continues to be in the spirit world, he is a powerful energy yet loving and unconditional, he is a man that is very forward is his ways of answering and does not suffer fools lightly. So, if you do not want to know the true answer don’t ask the question.

Two Hawks

Within the reading, you can talk to Two Hawks and ask any questions you feel you need answering about your life or for any guidance that is needed for your pathway moving forward.

Half hour: £45.00

1 Hour: £60.00

To book a reading please call +44 (0) 7970668307 or email where you will be booked in at the closest time available.

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